Primary Care & Comprehensive Muscular Skeletal Care located in Augusta, GA

Home > Neck Pain


Stress, posture, and injuries can cause neck pain and stiffness, making it hard to move your head. At Convenient Care Clinic, LLC, in Augusta, Georgia, Jeremy Garrard, NP, specializes in treating neck pain, as well as back pain and tendonitis. Jeremy takes a holistic approach to health, offering plans that not only alleviate your neck pain but benefit your overall health. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today. 


Why do I have neck pain?

You can develop neck pain from many causes, like poor posture, a car accident, or an underlying disease.


Your neck, or cervical spine, is the most flexible part of your spine, allowing you to move your head up and down and side to side. The structure and function of your neck make it susceptible to injuries and conditions that cause pain.


The type of pain you feel may help identify the cause. You may develop achy muscle pain in your neck if you spend most of your day with your head bent, looking down at your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Poor posture may cause a dull, achy sensation.


If you have whiplash (forceful back-and-forth movement of the head) from a car accident, you may have severe pain and stiffness. Herniated discs, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the cervical spine), and arthritis are conditions that affect the structure of the cervical spine, causing pain.


Your neck pain may last a few hours or a few days or turn into a chronic condition. 


Convenient Care Clinic, LLC, provides expert care for neck pain, back pain, and tendonitis (tendon inflammation).

When should I get medical help for neck pain?

You should schedule a visit at Convenient Care Clinic, LLC, if you have severe neck pain or neck pain that fails to improve within a few days of at-home care. 


Jeremy has extensive experience in musculoskeletal pain and can determine the cause of your discomfort and create an effective treatment plan. He reviews your symptoms and medical history and carefully examines your neck. 


Jeremy may also request X-rays or an MRI if he suspects your pain is related to a structural issue like a herniated disc. 

What treatments can improve my neck pain?

Jeremy customizes care for patients, creating plans that benefit their whole health. For neck pain, he may recommend:

  • Posture therapy
  • Ergonomic therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Nutritional supplements
  • An exercise and stretching program
  • Stress management

Jeremy also offers trigger point injections to release muscle knots in the back that may cause radiating pain. These injections contain a local anesthetic or steroid that reduces pain and inflammation and releases the tight band of tissue.


Neck pain is a common health concern, but relief is available, so don’t suffer in silence. Call Convenient Care Clinic, LLC, or schedule an appointment online today for a comprehensive neck pain treatment plan.